The Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) is the elite penetration testing certification. The OSCP exam doesn’t follow the traditional Q&A format. Instead, candidates are given twenty-four (24) hours to compromise a dedicated vulnerable network. If you can’t compromise the network, you fail the exam.
The OSCP certification is designed to teach penetration testers how to:
- Use information gathering techniques
- Write penetration testing scripts and tools
- Analyze, correct, modify, and port exploit code
- Bypass firewalls
- Apply creative problem solving techniques to the penetration testing process
Here’s what you need to know about the exam process:
- Number of questions – n/a
- Time limit – 24 hours
- Passing score – 100%
- Prerequisites – Penetration Testing with Kali Linux
- Cost – $800 USD (includes Kali course, 30 days lab access, and certification exam; additional lab time available: 60 days at $1000 or 90 days at $1,150)
If you want to prepare for the OSCP exam, check out the following resources:
- Offensive Security Training Courses. Advanced, hands-on training courses that teach advanced penetration testing techniques. Includes the free online course Metasploit Unleashed.

Click here to visit the OSCP website.